Turning a £20k ISA into a £33,000 passive income machine

In order to build a large amount of passive income from dividend shares, I reckon the London Stock Exchange is perfect. There are many UK shares trading cheaply. Here, I’ll look at how I’d target a second income of over £33k a year, starting with £20,000. There are a few things I’d consider no-brainers in life, including wearing a seatbelt, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. In personal finance, saving money for emergencies is obviously crucial. Another for me is a Stocks and Shares ISA. These incredible accounts allow me to put up to £20,000 each year into the stock market while paying no taxes on the returns I make. So, before starting my investing journey, I’d open a Stocks and Shares ISA account with a reputable online broker. Please note that tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future. The content in this article is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to be, neither does it constitute, any form of tax advice. Readers are responsible for carrying out their own due diligence and for obtaining professional advice before making any investment decisions. Next, I’d have to...

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