Is the BP share price set to soar after Michael Burry invests in the firm?

Michael Burry was thrust into the limelight after he spotted the early warning signs of the global financial crisis. After being featured in The Big Short, the activities of his hedge fund are now carefully watched by investors. So when I spotted that he had recently invested in BP (LSE:BP), it got me thinking. Is the BP share price primed to rally? Scion Asset Management reported buying 175,000 BP shares during the first quarter of this year. The stock is up a modest 2% over the past year, so this purchase isn’t exactly jumping on the bandwagon of a share that’s already exploding. Therefore, it seems to me that Burry expects something to happen over the space of the next year or so. When I consider the company, there are a few reasons that could potentially light the fuse. To begin with, the stock is heavily linked to the oil price. As one of the largest oil firms globally, the share price is naturally influenced by how oil performs. This was noted back in 2022 when soaring energy prices (including gas) helped to fuel the highest profit for the firm in over a decade. The forecast for the oil price...

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